Similar words: competitive, competitiveness, competition, imperfect competition, pure competition, repetitive, perfect competition, non-price competition.
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31) Comparing with chemical method and physical method, biological method is of great competitive edge used for malodorous black river treatment.
32) Dealing with suppliers directly, the importers are able to compute the cost of purchase more pellucidly , sharpen their own competitive edge and enlarge their proportion of the market share.
33) As a new economic organization form, industrial cluster sharpens competitive edge for most of the industries.
34) But at root, the competitive edge that we need in the future requires an effective flow of credit through a reformed and more responsible banking system.
35) But in fact, the executive enforcement is still strong, the concentration of industry is still low, and the competitive edge is still weak.
36) Both drawing power and aggregate competitive edge may be enhanced through role reversal mode of business operation.
37) The competitive edge of the United States economy has eroded sharply over the last decade, according to a new study by a nonpartisan research group.
38) As Sunderland crackled with competitive edge , United were reluctant adversaries.
39) The competitive edge of Fujian tourist brand is restricted by the macroscopic and microcosmic factors.
More similar words: competitive, competitiveness, competition, imperfect competition, pure competition, repetitive, perfect competition, non-price competition, monopolistic competition, competitor, competing, petition, repetition, repetitious, positive feedback, compete, petite, competent, appetite, competency, competence, incompetent, petit jury, competently, incompetence, incompetency, locomotive engineer, alternative energy, dietitian, imperative.